Noble Falls Tavern Open

it's our 10th anniversary so please join us for a great day of golf

saturday, 19th august

el caballo  golf course presents

The Noble Falls Open

hosted by el caballo golf club entries close on 31st july 2017

Payment must accompany entry form  by closing date 

[no exceptions as carts will not be held without payment]

No entries will be accepted on the day
Closing date: saturday, 15th july

Payment options (please tick one)

Pay by eft to el caballo social golf club inc.
BSB: 633-000, Acc: 11696 4255
reference: open event and your name
make cheques/money orders payable to:
el caballo social golf club inc
please email all entry forms & proof of payment to:
post to:
po box 549
bakers hill wa 6562
